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Parent's Survival Kit

As a parent sometime you just need some help when dealing with your kid(s)! I being a mom of 3 totally understand and I am here to respond to that SOS. Price: $15


You'll find the following in our kit: 

  • Cotton balls

  • Rubber bands

  • Sweet tart

  • Eraser

  • Candle

  • Marbles (in case you've lost yours)

  • Band aid

  • Tootsie roll

  • Mint

  • Puzzle piece

Wedding Day Survival Kit

This is already a very hectic day, enough said! Price: $20

You'll find the following in the kit:

  • Tissue

  • Small bottle of water

  • Granola bar

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Mints

  • Needle & thread

  • Lint roller

  • Nail glue

  • Crazy glue

  • Tylenol

  • Hair tie/Hair spray (travel size)

  • Band aids

  • Deodorant (travel size)

  • Q-tips

Back to School Survival Kit

We so look forward to the first day of school. It is such a joyous occasion because your kids have probably gotten on your last nerves the whole of summer. Price: $10

You'll find the following in the kit:

  • Scented candle

  • Tea cup

  • Tea Bags

  • Fuzzy socks

  • A good book

  • Chocolates

Teacher Survival Kit

You against 20 or so kids, you've got to have some kind of survival kit. Price: $15

You'll find the following in the kit:

  • Tums

  • Lint roller

  • Vitamin C

  • Halls

  • Vitamin water

  • Note pad/Post its

  • Tide pins

  • Chocolate

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Wet wipes

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