J. Nichele presents
​The Tranquil Oasis
Massage Classes
Ever get a massage and say "Boy I wish I could do just a little bit of what they do." Well now you can. I offer classes so that you can learn the basics and incorporate it into your life whether it be to help a loved one with declining health or ease the stresses of your significant other. These classes are nonsexual and are open to everyone. You can either join a class here at my space or you could do a more intimate class and I come to you, your choice.

What's Involved in Classes?
Classes: Each class is different. We break down massage into body parts, but a technique that's used on one body part can be used on another.
Presence & Fun: You'll learn how to quiet your mind and relax, so that you can enjoy giving your partner a massage
TechniqueI teach you how to offer a massage without tiring and straining yourself
Anatomy: You'll learn simple anatomy. Not every bone and muscle in the body just some key terms to help you with what you are doing.

Classes, Fees & Payment
Introductory Class $60 (preregistered rate), $75 (non pregestered rate)- This is a 1hr class where you learn basic massage, basic anatomy
Classic Swedish Massage Class $80 (preregistered rate) $95 (non pre registered rate)- This is a 1hr class where you will learn effllourage and basic anatomy
Mini Massage Class $50 (preregistered rate), $65 (non pre registered rate)-This is where you learn to massage the upper body using a chair

Specials: $10 off 2 preregistered classes. $10 off (preregistered), $5 off (non preregistered) when you bring a friend. Take all 3 classes get 50% off a massage
Preregistration is 10 days before you attend a class or if you have a class at your office. No preregistration needed for classes that take place at your home or hotel (only)

Prepayment is required for all classes. Cash, CC(via Paypal or Google Wallet), money orders and certified check.
Classes here at the studio are always scheduled on a Saturday afternoon or evening. You may schedule one on one or two on one classes any day of the week during business hours.
You may sign up for one or all of my classes and I do offer packages for my classes. More classes to be added or if there is a technique you've heard about and you do not see it listed please do not hesitate to ask about it. Also ask me about my group rates.
How to Register for a Class:
You can call/text
You can email directly
You can fill out a form
*Make sure that you pay for your class after you have registered for the class